Saturday 23 February 2013

Film Magazine Front Cover

Here we have a newer version of the film magazine. The basic layout, house style and general look of the magazine has stayed the same however, the font has changed in order for the coverlines to be more eligible as well as the masthead. However, the coverlines are still not looking perfect and will still need tweaking, and as for the masthead, even though it is no longer of an abstract nature, it is too plain and really brings the rest of the magazine down. This will be something I have to work on. The main image works with the magazine however due to the original image not being the best of qualities and the airbrushing I have done it has left it looking a bit blurry. 

Thursday 14 February 2013

Film Trailer 95% there.

After many edits my trailer is starting to look like a finished product! I am happy with how this is beginning to turn out. It is obvious there are still somethings that need tweaking in my trailer, the sound of the music is a little too loud for the dialogue and the ending when the protagonist is walking to the door needs to have something more to it to make it a little more appealing. Overall, it is on it's way and I am happy with it. 

Wednesday 6 February 2013

More developed trailer.

The trailer has not altered that much from my previous edit, I have simply returned to the original trailer and then added in the changes. Altogether it is look fairly promising, when I fill in the blanks and get the rest of my footage and text I can see this will be a decent outcome. However, I think I will pursue to develop the original therefore I have 2 alternate trailers, one that follows the narrative a little more and one that is more of a montage. The reason for that being is because I am getting mixed reviews for them both and therefore I will develop the two so that when it is finally a finished product I will know which one works best. 

Saturday 2 February 2013

Alternate Introduction to Film Trailer

At the start of the trailer I have used the same narrative as the original however this time I have decided to add the lottery scene as well in order to create a more of a montage trailer rather than a 'short film-like' video. I believe it works in some ways however in my opinion I don't believe it fits together very well...