Tuesday 9 April 2013

Magazine Front Cover Final

This is the final version of my film magazine front cover. The only difference compared to the last edit is that the background has been blurred slightly in order to bring the main image forward. Overall it's a decent outcome.

Friday 5 April 2013

Film Poster Final

This is the final outcome of my film poster. Everything has pretty much stayed the same compared to the last edit. The main differences are the change in layout, which spreads the quotes and awards out meaning it doesn't appear as cluttered towards the bottom. Then there is the text/subheading to the film poster "ONE SACRIFICE  UNLIMITED POSSIBILITIES" I wanted something short and snappy that was easily recognisable when heard and not giving the reader too much to read when they see the poster. Other minor tweaks include the date at the bottom matching that of the movie title, the reason behind changing the font is because the font used before was not a font I frequently used through my ancillary texts and main product therefore it stood out too much. Now the date feels apart of the final product. Altogether I am happy with where my poster has ended up compared to where I was when I began creating it.

Thursday 4 April 2013

Go Animate interpretation of one of the questionnaire feedback forms.

Animation Software - Powered by GoAnimate.

Audience Feedback Questionnaire

In order to get some decent audience feedback I have compiled a questionnaire for several people to answer. This will help me with my evaluation and determine whether or not what I have created has had a positive outcome. 

Tuesday 2 April 2013

Film Poster, almost finished.

I decided to change the main image for the film poster as I felt the emotion on the characters face did not portray the mood of the film and looked too negative for anyone to want to be interested in it. As for the background issue I have blurred it in order to make the front image stand out. As for the other pictures of the protagonist, changing the opacity has shown the different stages of the character in the movie. They are not the main images but still add to it dramatically, without them the poster would look empty and there would be no progression from one to the other thus leaving no sense of enigma for the audience to think "how did he go from that, to that?" 

It is definitely on its way however I may want to think about changing the layout and possibly some of the text on the poster, that way I can have a more filled out poster that looks more believable as an actual product.