Sunday 6 January 2013

Different Mastheads

For my film magazine front cover I needed a simple masthead that stood out, was eligible as well as being distinctive. Similar to that of Total Film magazine and Empire.

I took inspiration from the Total Film masthead and the way in which the word 'Total' is within the word 'Film. The reason being is because I thought this was unique and a creative way of designing mine. However, just to using a rather linear approach and creating my own font it had a very amateur effect and did not work so well. An extra aspect of my masthead I used was the striped part of a 'clapper' or 'clap board' (the board they 'clap' together when recording and shout "Scene 5 take 2") 

The text I used looked too basic and with the stripe it did not quite look as professional as I'd have hoped. Therefore, I have changed to a basic golden text that I hope will create a professional outcome! 

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