Saturday 5 January 2013

Photoshopping my images

These are a couple of attempts at Photoshopping my images in order to create a professional-like outcome when finalising my film magazine. In order to make my images more appealing I have had to remove spots/blemishes using the 'Spot Healing Brush Tool.' This allows me to begin making the image more appealing and 'polished.' Next, duplicating the skin I was able to blur using Filter>Gaussian Blur, this then created a more 'smooth' skin thus adding to the polished effect.

Other effects I have done is remove the red eye from the images and then manipulate the eyes into looking more blue. As well as this, an obvious aspect of the edited version is the background. By placing the main image on top of a background full of money it helps create a theme. Also, although not very visible, in the glasses of the first edit I have blended in money into the lenses of the glasses to make it appear as though that it was the character is looking at and more focused on.

Altogether I feel as though these are good starts for my film magazine. All that is left is to add the text, masthead and other conventions and hopefully I will have a professional looking piece. 

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