Thursday 22 November 2012

Cast Members

Main Protagonist: Sam Shaw

Played by:  Sam Shaw (me)
Age: 17/18  

Role: Main character, will be doing most speaking parts and acting.

The reason I have chosen to star myself as the protagonist is because, although part of film making is to find a hire a cast, I feel as though the character I wish to create will be much easier to portray myself rather than instructing someone else to do it. Plus it is easier to find time to film and if I were to have a friend act for me the chances are we wouldn't work to our full ability.

Side Characters:

.) Mum

Played by: Tracey Oliver
Age: 43
Role: Plays mother of Sam, lectures him on not having a job and breaks the news of grandad's death.

The reason for choosing Tracey to act with is because she is my Mum and it will be easy to film with her as and when plus there's always the fact that I am more comfortable acting in front of my own Mum.

.) Grandad

Played by: Bill Nesbitt
Age: 67
Role: Featured in scenes where he is ill and in bed and when he wins the lottery.

Although my Grandad does not play a massive part in the film he does play an important one. The reason for choosing him was because I needed someone of his age, he was willing to do it and it was easy to be able to film him. 

.) Shop owner
.) Barmaid/Bartender
.) Grandma - Rings up and talks about Grandad 
.) Friends of Sam Shaw's. 

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