Tuesday 13 November 2012

Audience Profile

The audience of my film trailer will be aged 12 - 18, therefore focusing on a younger yet maturer audience. This will then mean that the S.E.G group for my audience will be 'E' due to the audience most probably earning very little if not nothing and being in full time education. On top of that, the audience psychographic would be that they are achievers. The reason being is because my film shows someone becoming rich, which is what the audience too would like to achieve.

From the polls on my blog it shows that 75% (as of 13/11/2012) are male, and out of both genders 93% are aged between 16 and 19. This goes to show I have a particularly young target audience. On top of this, from all the subjects the top three favourites were Media with 71% of the votes, Art with 50% of the votes and English with another 50%. This just shows that the audience are a fairly creative demographic. 

As for favourite film genres the top three were Comedy with 78% of the votes, Drama with 57% and action with 35% and on top of that the majority of the votes prefer a good story line in the film rather than the soundtrack or other aspects. These three genres put together can make a potentially great film, which is what I intend on doing. Looking at these statistics I it goes to show the audience are a creative and ambitious demographic, wanting to experience something unique and gripping. 

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