Thursday 8 November 2012

More influential media texts

My ideas for my film trailer are always changing and even when I begin filming I know that some scenes and previous ideas will be changed and altered.

Previously I was more set on having quite negative scenes shown in my film trailer (which I still am) however, for the start of the trailer I wanted a more calm and positive theme, one that seems intriguing rather than depressing but then also having the negative scenes later on to show more aspects that would be appealing to my audience. 

When choosing my soundtrack I am looking for music that does not contain the lyrics, strictly just the instrumental. The reason in doing this is because it will be more back ground music and the main focus of the sound will be the dialogue. The background music will also effectively help create a mood for the dialogue. 

An idea for my starting song is the instrumental to the song 'Billionaire' by Bruno Mars. 

The idea I have in mind for this song is playing at the start due to it being a calm instrumental it provides contrast with the following music which I picture to be a lot more upbeat and fast-paced. 

There are many reasons for choosing Billionaire as a soundtrack, one being the lyrics despite not being able to hear them. ("I wanna be a billionaire so f**king bad.") This particular line relates massively to my film trailer idea. A boy who wins the lottery, he's not a billionaire but it's near enough. Before even knowing the story line in the trailer a mood has been set but the soundtrack, opening up the main plot of the trailer. 

Another convention of the song is it's laid-back beat. I will have this playing when the protagonist is getting ready and being on his own. It shows there are no cares in his world and the soundtrack amplifies it. 

Once the slower scenes are other I want to feature a faster paced 'party-like' soundtrack. A choice for this is 'Gangnam Style by PSY.' 

Gangnam Style at the moment is a very known and distinctive song and due to it being mainstream means that it is more likely to attract a wider audience. Before showing the protagonist in a party-like situation, the music begins to play and from the beat and the bass from the soundtrack it already connotes as quite a vibrant and lively ambiance.

Gangnam Style works well within my media because due to the contrast of genre between the first soundtrack played (Billionaire - Bruno Mars) not only shows the change in mood for the scene but also for the main protagonist. Going from a laid back life to a much more vibrant life highlights what happens in the plot of the movie and changing from one genre of soundtrack to another really assists in amplifying that. 

Another soundtrack I am considering on using is a dubstep soundtrack 'Bangarang by Skrillex.' The reason being is because. like 'Gangnam Style' it connotes as a rather lively atmosphere which shows a great contrast with the opening scene. 

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